Negotiations Update

MAY 27, 2020

A Tentative Agreement has been reached between New Brunswick Council of Nursing Home Unions and the New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes.

Due to the restrictions in place, the details of the Tentative Agreement remain confidential until ratified by all parties.  We are currently working on a process that ensures we are following Public Health’s guidelines.  Once the process has been finalized, the Local president will be contacted with a date for an all presidents’ meeting and with a scheduled date for membership ratification.

Until members have had an opportunity to review and vote on whether to accept the Tentative Agreement, no details will be released.  The New Brunswick Council of Nursing Home Unions will not be commenting on the contents of the Agreement.

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Negotiation Team


Negotiations update

On September 24, following the re-enactment of the May 30 vote, we were advised by media that Premier Higgs stated an offer was coming and “we probably wouldn’t like it.”

Yesterday September 26 at 3:43 pm we received a call from a reporter asking for comments on the offer however I couldn’t comment because we had yet to receive it. However, 22 minutes later, at 4:05 pm via e-mail, not even a phone call. We received the offer from the nursing home association saying it’s the final offer mandate.

The disrespect shown by the government continues when media is advising us of a new offer before we have even received it. But if Higgs wants to bargain in the media, lets bargain.

Governments final wage offer “FINAL OFFER” proposal

(Year 1) 1.0% – (Year 2) 1.25% (Year 3) 1.5% (Year 4) 1.75%  Total 5.5%. Effective November 1, 2019, modify the rate of accumulation of sick leave credits from 1½ days per calendar month of service to 1 and 1/3 (1.33) days per month (from 18 to 16 days per year)


On September 27 at the press conference, we gave our proposal

(Year1) 3% (Year 2) 3% (Year 3) 3% (Year 4) 3% Total 12%. And a one-time recruitment and retention adjustment is needed for 2019, to address the understaffing crisis immediately.

On September 27 the government issued a press release saying, “Nursing home workers will soon have the opportunity to vote on a final contract”. The Employment Board will co-ordinate and oversee secret-ballot voting in each nursing home. Date and location to be determined by the board. We will keep you updated as information becomes available.

Yes, we are tired, tired of not having our voices heard! Seniors and workers deserve better! We Deserve RESPECT!

In Solidarity

NBCNHU Negotiations Team



Update on Judicial Review of Robert Breen labour Board Decision

May 24, 2019

Dear Members,

Today Justice Tracey DeWare heard arguments on the judicial review of the labour decision by Robert Breen.

Although we didn’t expect a decision today were pleased to hear Justice DeWare would deliver her decision on July 5th – if not sooner. Considering we were with the expectation that a decision could take up to 6 months.

Justice DeWare recognized that 90% designation wouldn’t have much impact considering that’s what the staffing would be on any given day because of the staff shortage. Although optimistic we remain cautious.

You never know how far you have come – Don’t give up now – we are almost there.

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Negotiation Team


Message from Negotiation Team

May 18, 2019

Dear Members,

On Thursday, May 16th, we went to the Legislature expecting the motion on unrestricted binding arbitration to hit the floor for a vote.

Instead of the PC’s, unfortunately, took the time to run the clock by foolishly speaking on a bill that was brought forward by PANB to reduce annual vehicle inspections It was evident that the PCs were wasting time so the motion wouldn’t make it to the floor. Again, we witnessed another show of disrespect by the government.

Although the motion didn’t make it to the floor for a vote, we have received a commitment from oppositions that when the motion comes forward in 2 weeks, it will have the support needed to pass. As you all know we haven’t had much reason to trust these past couple months however, I do know that our actions have proven we are prepared to take the necessary measures to hold those accountable who lie to us –  and we have shown our unity and solidarity and our heart to stand up and fight back. We are almost there so please just hold on a little longer – we can do this.

During our AGM on May 30th, we will be holding a rally outside the Legislature this is the expected date for the motion to hit the floor. We are expecting massive participation; therefore, buses will be organized to bring members to the Legislature.  We will share the bus schedule once it has been confirmed.

We are asking for your continued trust in faith in the negotiating team as we move forward and trust our plan of actions are strategically planned.

Stand confident that you are right to fight for yourself. Stand confident you are fighting for your future. Standing strong takes courage, backbone and unity. And I know the heart of a nursing home worker – We will not give up.

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Negotiation Team


NBCNHU Negotiations Update

May 15, 2019

Staying Strong Together

Dear Members,

We were disappointed to hear that Minister Dorothy Sheppard said that we had reached an impasse. And that talks were ongoing for several days.

On May 8th we met with Minister Dorothy Shephard and Premier Blaine Higgs. We shared with the Minister and the Premier what has been happening at the table. It was our opinion that we had a very respectful meeting and we were looking forward to returning to the table.

Although we were optimistic heading back to the table to have meaningful negotiations unfortunately that optimism was short-lived after we were informed that Minister Dorothy Shephard attended an awards gala that same evening following our meeting and spoke on the so-called enhanced package. Yet again, choosing to negotiate in the media.

Minister Dorothy Shephard stated we were in talks for several days, but the truth is we met with the negotiators appointed by the province on May 9th and again today May 14th.  On May 9th we exchanged proposals and waited 4 days for a response.  Another stall tactic and Again, another lie.

The so-called enhanced offer, no matter how you word, it is no different than what was initially presented. Attaching conditions to an already strained sector is unrealistic.

This government talks about fiscal responsibility however when they agreed to boost MLA spending at the cost of $1 million a year saying that it would help them do their jobs better – nursing home workers are only asking for the same consideration so we can do our job better. You cannot balance the budget on the backs of the workers. Our backs are broken.

We were saddened to hear Minister Dorothy Shephard say in a press release that we have reached an impasse. Our last conversation with the negotiators shortly before 5 PM, although we were not in the agreement were not advised by the mediators that we were at an impasse.

It is an absolute shame how this government is treating us Nursing Home Workers! As nursing home workers, we have been absolutely respectful through the process even when our rights have been stripped away. It saddens me that Minister Dorothy Sheppard continues to LIE she says she respects the workers; however, her actions tell a different story! – Nursing Homes are NOT a business, and our seniors are NOT a commodity! We are NOT barrels of oil; we are human beings who are deserving of RESPECT! My God, what will it take…All I will say is stay tuned this is far from over!

PROUD Nursing Home Workers We Do What We Do because WE CARE!!

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Executive


Message from Negotiation Committee

May 10, 2019

Dear Members,

Brothers and Sisters,

On Monday May 6th, Pat and I met with Kris Austin, to ask him to rescind his sub amendment on binding arbitration. His response was that he and his team    would discuss but as of today, there is still no commitment to do so.

On Wednesday May 8th, Kim, Sandy and I meet with Premier Higgs, Minister Shephard and Deputy Minister Finance Treasury Board Cheryl Hansen. The meeting was respectful, and all parties spoke openly and frankly on their positions of negotiations.

The bargaining team returned to the table on Wednesday May 9th with the employer being represented by Jamie Eddy, legal counsel for Social Development, and Fred Finn Assistant Deputy Minister Treasury Board. This was a welcomed sight to the team and the Premiers commitment that persons closer to the decision makers would be at the table. Discussions at were productive and exchanges of proposals were presented. We are awaiting a response from the Union’s last proposal. At this stage of bargaining this requires the approval of Government and once that has been achieved, we will be returning to the table, which is anticipated to be on Tuesday May 14. Both parties are ready and prepared to return to the tables earlier, should an approval happen sooner. We will update you, should that occur.

We are asking for your continued trust in faith in the negotiating team as we are now moving into a different phase of the struggle.

Stand confident that you are right to fight for yourself. Stand confident you are fighting for your future. Standing strong takes courage, backbone and unity. And I know the heart of a nursing home worker – We will not give up.

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Negotiation Team


Message from Negotiation Committee

April 27, 2019

Dear Members,

On Thursday, April 25th the Court of Appeal rendered a ruling on the appeal of the justice Gannett decision and the province was once again successful in using the courts as a delay tactic.

For the past 51 days the government has spent more effort in the courts to have our rights stripped away. If all the energy and resources were brought to the negotiating table, we might have been successful in reaching an agreement.

Despite the bad news, now is not the time to give up and if this government thinks we will get tired and go away well, they are wrong. They don’t know the heart of a nursing home worker.

We must continue showing solidarity and be supportive of each other by remaining positive with our comments on social media.

The negotiating team along with all our resources will be meeting to prepare and escalate to the next level. All options remain on the table to achieve a collective agreement that addresses wages above the cost of living and protecting free collective bargaining.

In the coming days, you will be contacted by a member of the negotiating team with an update and further direction.

We are asking for your continued trust in faith in the negotiating team as we are now moving into a different phase of the struggle.

Stand confident that you are right to fight for yourself. Stand confident you are fighting for your future. Standing strong takes courage, backbone and unity. And I know the heart of a nursing home worker  – We will not give up.

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Negotiation Team


Update April 17, 2019

Staying Strong Together

Dear Members,

Today the Court of Appeal reserved its decision and in the meantime the stay remains in place. Although we weren’t not expecting a decision today Justice Quigg said they would render a decision as quickly as possible.

What does that mean, if Garnett’s decision is upheld, we will be in a legal position to take strike action. If the court of appeal decides Garnett made a mistake in the law, we would not be able to take legal strike action until the judicial review is done.

You have put your faith trust in your bargaining team, and I want to reassure that we have a strategic plan in place therefore we must continue our fight for fairness – we might be frustrated, but we will not be defeated.

The bargaining team along with all our resources will be meeting on Tuesday to complete our action plan moving forward.

Also, we remind all locals to email their employer for their position and support on binding arbitration. Please share with council your employer response

As we head into Easter weekend, we have a couple of actions planned , so stay tuned.

Again, we want to thank the members for your hard work and dedication. Your strength in unity represents the pure heart of a nursing home worker.

The solidarity of our members is the heart of our bargaining power!

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Executive


Update April 5, 2019

Staying Strong Together

Dear Members,

Although we were expecting to hear back from the employer by the end of the week. Instead, we have heard from the mediator that the employer is working on a package and he will contact us to return to the table once he has heard from the employer.

Until such time we will continue our activism. Our public show of unity and solidarity is the power in moving forward.  Our strength and heart as a nursing home worker are what makes us Strong and Proud.

We attended a rally in Moncton on Thursday in support of L1726. It was amazing to see locals travel from all parts of the province to support these members who were indirectly threatened by their employer. It saddens us to hear the stories of tactics some employers are taking to silence workers from speaking up for fairness. While other employers are sending letters of appreciation and support, however, those employers, unfortunately, are few.

On April 12th in Fredericton NB join us on our JOURNEY as we March for Fair Wages. We will be sending a visual message; therefore, we ask that you wear black and yellow bring a pair of worn out sneakers to leave behind as well as a few dimes. Trust me all of this will make sense. Buses will be leaving the Fredericton Inn at 11:15 am.

On Wednesday, April 10th all locals attending CUPE NB are asked to stay for a meeting upon adjournment. For locals who will not be in attendance, we are looking at options to have you participate, and if not, you will be contacted by an executive member.

Again, we want to thank the members for your hard work and dedication. Your strength in unity represents the pure heart of a nursing home worker.

The solidarity of our members is the heart of our bargaining power!

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Executive


Update April 3, 2019

Staying Strong Together

Dear Members,

Your negotiating team is waiting for a response from the employer. We have heard from the mediator we should expect to hear something by the end of the week as well The People’s Alliance are publicly saying that there will be a negotiated deal before the end of the week, we wait and see.

The rally at Mr. Higgs’ AGM was very well attended, and the Premier was a little flustered when he responded to a member wage comparison to Alberta saying workers should go to Alberta.

I am sure many of you have been made aware of the letter circulating on FB from Premier Higgs to all management and non-union employees in Parts I, II and III on the Pay Plan confirming the 2% adjustment will be implemented March 31st.

He goes on to say this in recognition of management and non-union employees and will help catch up to unionized wage increases.

This is yet another tactic the government is now using is to divide and conquer, trying to turn the members against the leadership. We need to show solidarity now more than ever.

We must continue showing solidarity and be supportive of each other by remaining positive with our comments on social media.

The solidarity of our members is the heart of our bargaining power! And we indeed have shown our power.

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Executive


Update March 26, 2019

Staying Strong Together

Dear Members,

Your bargaining team met with the again employer today. As of today, the only items remaining would refer to binding arbitration. We are waiting on a response from the employer on binding arbitration.

The solidarity of our members is the heart of our bargaining power!

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Executive

Update March 25, 2019



Staying Strong Together

Dear Members,

Your bargaining team met with the employer today. Discussion are ongoing and we remain at the table.

Reminder to all members, please continue with the petitions seeking Binding Arbitration. Each member is asked to get ten petitions signed.  Signatures will be presented in the legislature.

The solidarity of our members is the heart of our bargaining power!

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Executive


Sign the letter 



Staying Strong Together

Dear Members,

I wish to begin by thanking all members for their strength and solidarity. Also, I want to commend all local executive for the extraordinary work they have done in recent weeks to organize their workplaces.

On February 22 we received a letter from Minister Holder stating that we could take a strike vote as early as March 4th. On February 22 we received an email from Jody Hall informing us that the province has rejected her final offer. On February 27 a letter was sent to all nursing home administrators encouraging all homes to prepare a detailed strike plan.

While no nursing home worker who spends their day caring for our seniors want to go on strike however the level of frustration with understaffing and the ability to either recruit or retain the numbers required to provide safe care has brought us to the point where there is no alternative but to proceed with taking a strike vote.

We will be holding A province-wide STRIKE VOTE on March 7th, 2019.

If you have any questions or receive questions or remarks your, please advise your local president.

Your hard work and dedication combined with your strength in unity will ensure we a fair and equitable collective agreement.

As we enter this phase, it will be more important to stay informed. Watch your bulletin boards, email and social media updates.

In solidarity,

NBCNHU Executive